June Newsletter 2010

Gluten Free Events around Town
Debbie (Sarfati) Steinbock, Whole Nourishment Events:
1. Guided Health Food Store Tour: Fri.June 11, 2010 at 11:00am – 12:15 pm at the VITAMIN COTTAGE on 2355 30th St & Pearl St., Boulder, CO
2. Whole Nourishment Natural Foods Cooking Classes on Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 6 pm. Topic: Fresh From the Garden. Menu: Jeweled Endive, Avocado, and Corn Salad; Eggdrop Soup with Spring Greens; and Iced Tea with Fresh Mint. Cost: $40 for guests.
Sunflower Marketplace Boulder, Colorado:
1. Gluten Free Tours: Wednesdays, June 2nd and 16th from 10 am to 11 am.
From the Velick House: Here is what is New!
It has been a very exciting time in the Velick household. We have really been feeling the effects of ‘mommy being pregnant.’ Our friends and family all ‘know our secret’ and are thrilled. I think they are mostly thrilled that I am going through it, not them  I am feeling great going into my 5th month of pregnancy. My nausea has subsided and I am starting to eat real meals again. Most exciting is the fact that ‘mommy is getting a belly.’ My girls have been waiting for that for the past 5 weeks! One of the things that I find fascinating with this pregnancy is that I do not crave breads, cookies, cakes or other baked goods. I find the issue of ‘cravings’ so fascinating that I have decided to dedicate this Newsletter to the topic. I was talking to a friend who gave up sugar; a very different substance than gluten, and he said he still craved it. Interesting…..he also mentioned that even though he did give up sugar, he still did not FEEL any better….interesting. As much as I was able to find on the Internet on Gluten Free pregnancies, I am thrilled that me and my growing baby are getting enough nutrients without turning to gluten, which would make me sick and uncomfortable. Life, and a pregnancy CAN happen without gluten, you just have to give it a try!
Strategy #4: Have References
When I started this Gluten Free endeavor, I was pretty much ‘going in blind.’ I had a very sweet friend bring me a wonderful care package of gluten free items to get me started, and that was about it. So over the last two and half years, I have had to rely on my references. References can take the form of the experience of friends, blog sites, internet research, news articles, even a certified nutritionist dealing with food allergies would be a great asset to your Gluten Free Lifestyle. Please know that it is impossible to do alone. It is also something that takes time and energy. I spend at least 10 hours a week on Gluten Free Living. That does not even include the time I use to write my articles. I have to calculate my menus, shop for food, cook and bake daily, and yes, refer to MY references. I like to find out what is new. Are there new products out there we have not tried? What is the latest research trend in Celiac Disease? What great new recipe can I tweak to appeal to my family? It always amazes me, but I really learn something new every day!
Recipe of the Month:
Asian Turkey Lettuce Wraps
2 T olive oil
2 tsp minced garlic
1 lb 93% fat free ground turkey
2 medium carrots
2 medium zucchini
2 celery stalks
4 green onions, thinly sliced
¼ tsp sugar
1 T Simply Organic Fajita Seasoning
Heat 2 T oil in a large skillet.
Add turkey and cook about 5 minutes. Stirring to break up the meat. Remove from the skillet.
Heat the remaining oil in the same skillet and sauté carrots, zucchini, and onions for 1 minute.
Add turkey, soy sauce, sugar, and garlic. Cook stirring for 1 minute.
Place meat mixture into a serving dish.
Make Rice noodles. Boil in water for 2-4 minutes.
To eat, wrap filling in lettuce leaves, add noodles on top.
Hot Gluten Free Topics: Dealing with Food Cravings
Ever wonder why it is so easy to go through 10 chocolate chip cookies in one day? How about half a sleeve of Thin Mints? Or maybe your guiltless pleasure is a French Baguette from Panera or 2 large bagels from Einstein’s. Why is it that these gluten laden foods have such a ‘pull’ on us? Why is it that we cannot stop thinking about the other 10 chocolate chip cookies that we did not eat because we feeling so sick from the first 10, yet we STILL want them? Well, some of you may have missed my article on food cravings, so I want to present it again here, just to get you thinking…. Most people don’t think of food as having addictive qualities, but the chemistry of wheat in your body is very real. If you have gluten sensitivity, your body does not have the ability to break wheat down into smaller building blocks in the small intestine. Because wheat doesn’t get broken down, the immune system recognizes it as a ‘foreign protein’ and attacks it, causing damage to the intestinal wall that increases over time. This constant erosion over time produces what is called a ‘leaky gut.’ Simply put, the gluten, while still intact, leaves the small intestines. Glutens are opioid-like proteins, which means that they literally cause a ‘gluten high’ that lasts for a few hours, followed by a crash and a craving for more gluten!!! It is like a drug, and no matter how hard you try, your instincts are stronger, telling you ‘you need more!’ One of the ‘side effects’ for me when cutting out the gluten was that my cravings were gone!!! So what is the answer? Well, my advice is to cut out the gluten and see what happens!
May/June BJN Articles
The Story of Inflammation/Carob Banana Muffins
Mexican Cooking/Homemade Refried Beans and Tortillas
Shavuot/Randi’s Favorite Cheesecake
Infertility in Celiac Patients/GF Macaroni and Cheese
Mom, What Can I Have For Snack/Gluten Free Pretzels

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